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tv   wusa 9 News at 11pm  CBS  November 23, 2013 11:00pm-11:36pm EST

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>> reporter: juliana's parents denied our request for an interview, and, to date, have not spoken publicly, but they did provide a statement. "our family is deeply saddened and shocked. we believe the evidence against the defendant is enormous and that justice has not been served." captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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. the coldest night of the winter and we're seeing snow in western maryland. flurries in the washington area. hello, everybody. i'm bruce johnson. thanks for joining us this saturday night. temperatures dropping, snow falling across the region
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tonight. just how cold is it going to be and what with the snow -- what about the snow? let's go to erica grow. the good news the know is not going to accumulate anywhere near the d.c. metro area but we do have a few flakes falling you can see on our radar loom. there they are in blue. you can see a little bit of blue near charlottesville indicating some rain showers. but the snow flurries are indicated in blue there. as i mentioned before, no accumulating snow for us in the d.c. metro area. i saw the flurries, though, as i was heading wack in after i had dinner this evening. 35 degrees is your current temperature in d.c. 32 restton, germantown, reston. when you factor in the winds is when we really start to feel it. it's 20 with the windchill in leesburg. 21 in manassas. 32 in bethesda. that's not terrible but 27 with the windchill in laytonsville right now. as you're waking up tomorrow morning -- that says friday.
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that's not the right stuff. we're going to look at temperatures dipping in the 20s overnight tonight with wind chills in the teens. i'll tell you how long this cold blast will last in the first alert seven-day forecast. bruce, back to you. the high winds being blamed for some scattered outages in northwest washington tonight. power should be back on in a couple of hours. it was cold for eager shoppers at the new tangor outlet mall in prince george's county today. the mall is expected to give the county a huge economic boost. executives say turnout far exceeded their expectations on this opening weekend. the cold temps didn't slow the shoppers down. >> you wouldn't think people with bother with an outdoor mall in the d.c. area in late november. i mean, it's cold. well, apparently not cold enough because they're here. >> reporter: is it cold out here? >> it's cold out here. they should be giving out free hot chocolate. >> reporter: pretty hot out here? >> no it's freezing. you're being sarcastic.
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>> reporter: not too cold to go shop something. >> no, never, never. >> reporter: the thousands of people who came out were bundled up, wrapped up, kids stacked one on top of the other. you're cold, you're hot? >> i'm cold. >> reporter: you're still cold. you're wrapped up. you have a person on top of you. you have a hat on and you're still cold. shoppers flipping their hoods on covering their hands, their faces running store to store seeking warmth. >> it was totally worth it. >> reporter: i guess nothing is going to get between you and your sales. >> no. we found a lot of stuff. >> reporter: i see that how many bags here? >> we tried to condense it. >> reporter: you sound like pros. >> we are. >> reporter: have you bought anything? no? nothing yet? >> no. >> reporter: you're not a shopper? no. you're going to be one day i bet. >> yes. >> reporter: yeah, she knows it too. only a matter of time. and time is one thing that shoppers seem to have. how long have you been here?
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>> four hours. >> reporter: just four hours? >> just four hours, yeah. >> reporter: it's four hours. these ladies say in the past they would not have spent in pg county but with the new outlet mall, they now have a reason to visit. >> we've never been to this area. it just brought us here. >> reporter: tourists are shopping too, like these folks from north carolina. she putting to work? i don't see you carrying in i bags. >> i'm trying to get out of here. >> reporter: you better hurry because the only thing worst than shopping in the cold is buyer's remorse. >> i'm scared to look at my credit card receipt. >> reporter: wusa9. we have breaking news this hour. an agreement has been reached on curbing iran's nuclear program. speaking from the white house just a few moments ago, president barack obama said iran had six months to comply with the terms of the deal. >> while today's announcement is just a first step, it achieves a great deal. for the first time in nearly a decade, we have halted the progress of the iranian nuclear
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program and keep parts of the program -- key parts of the program will be rolled back. iran has committed to halting certain levels of enrichment and neutralizing part of its stockpiles. iran cannot use its next generation centrifuges which are used for enriching uranium. iran cannot install or start up new centrifuges and its production of centrifuges will be limited. >> what does iran get in return? some of the economic sanctions will now be lifted. no new sanctions will be imposed. a man falls three stories to his death inside a museum down on the national mall today. it happened just after 4:00 this afternoon at the museum of the american independent january. witness -- american indian. witnesses say the man fell from the third level to the first floor atrium. he was taken to a hospital where he later died. it's unclear if the man's fall was accidental. there were visitors inside the museum who may have witnessed the incident. d.c. police are of course investigating. a u.s. postal worker is
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dead shot in cheverly, maryland. prince george's county police were called to the intersection of reed street and jude avenue where they found a male adult suffering from gunshot wounds. no word at this hour on his name or suspects. he was a u.s. postal worker. police are offering few other details tonight. 25-year-old michael kirby alvarado was shot to death thursday in the k 40of north summit avenue. montgomery county police have arrested 20-year-old jefferson daniels delgado charged with first-degree murder. police say the suspects knew the victim. they're still searching for a second suspect in this case. the white house is still promising -- most of the online problems for signing up with obamacare will be fixed by the end ever the month. meanwhile in downtown
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washington today, there was a steady stream of people in need of insurance hoping to get assistance by signing up in person. surae chinn has some of their hard luck stories. >> i am currently uninsured. >> reporter: betty coal has been uninsured for the last year and a half and denied insurance three times because of pre-existing health issues. >> i have definitely been anxious to get coverage for some time. >> health wise i think i'm wine. so i'm not worried about anything i'm not on any special medications or anything. >> reporter: dean tried to sign up last month but was among the many who became frustrated with the troubled rollout of the federal health care website. >> finally i just gave up. >> reporter: he's hoping for a better experience today at d.c.'s health benefit exchange through d.c. >> it's a little scary to not have insurance. >> reporter: d.c. residents who are hoping to sign up and shop around for health plans are kenned about the process and the pricing. >> i'm looking to get some
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insurance that's cheaper because it's too expensive. >> reporter: ieshjackson pays $600 a month for her cobra insurance that's about to run out but she hasn't been able to check out the pricing. >> the process has been a little slow. >> there was a lot of waiting for connectivity. >> reporter: d.c.'s health care exchange executive director says they have the support group to help navigate through the confusion and slow process. >> we have people here, individual consumers who are working, we have small business owners working with insurance brokers. >> reporter: felton was finally able to get in and compare benefits but expense he finds out may cost him some coverage. >> the coverage i used to pay for and what it covered has gone up and it covers less. >> reporter: an hour and a half later, betty cole was still waiting to complete the application process. >> i at least made progress. >> reporter: in northwest, surae chinn, wusa9.
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>> according to d.c. link, more than 20,000 household have created accounts to shop for health insurance. more than a thousand have chosen health insurance for the new year. tonight on wusa9, it's going to be a big holiday season for some local foster kids. they went home today with new moms and dads. >> reporter: tis the season of joy, right? so let's give joy. i'm january jeffcoat from wusa9 and i'd love for you to join me, join all of us for our first ever virtual toy drive. it's actually a joy drive. right now one out of every four d.c. area kids won't have much of a holiday. so we have part neared with volunteers of america and now you can give ose kids a joyful holiday with just one click. but here's how it works. click on the tab right here and with one more click, you can send a child a toy from the wish list. click on this tab and you can give a donation and direct exactly where you'd like it to
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go. or if you'd like to give joy by sending a holiday message, click on this tab. see? just click to give joy. won't you join us.
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more than 20 d.c. foster children will be spending their first holiday season with permanent moms and dads. ♪ imagine, ooh, imagine >> today their adoption papers were finalized as part of the 27th annual d.c. adoption day. many other adopted children and their families were on hand for today's celebration. it took place at the d.c. superior supreme courthouse. organizers hope the public event will encourage others to consider adopting children now in the city's foster care program. according to child and family services, 120 children still awaiting permanent homes. more than 325 area families received an early holiday gift today. volunteers delivered boxes of turkeys, stuffing and other foods as part of project give back. hundreds of volunteers gathered at the columbia heights educational campus in northwest to put the baskets together and
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then deliver them to the families. >> this is our 19th annual thanksgiving food distribution. we're providing healthy meals for about a week. it includes turkeys, chicken, fish for needy families in maryland, d.c. and virginia. we had over 600 volunteers here today so i'm so happy we were able to galvanize all the support to help our community. >> project give back is trying to feed 1500 families this holiday season. the organization still looking for volunteers and always more donations. still ahead tonight, help for military families this holiday season. and just how cold is it going to be overnight and tomorrow morning? erica has the full forecast when we come back.
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lots of people gathered along g street northwest as macy's unveiled holiday windows in its metro center store. >> five, four, three, two, one. >> d.c. mayor vincent gray was
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on hand for today's festivities. the event included performances by the washington ballet, the ballou high school marching band, cocoa jones and judith hill and of course santa claus. here at wusa9 we're teaming up with uso of metropolitan washington to say thank you to our military families. we're trying to provide a holiday food basket to as many service members as possible. the initiative is called turkeys for troops and the need is great, as you can imagine. recent studies show that two out of three middle-class families are going to have to scale back their holiday plans this year. wusa9's january jeffcoat takes us to fort meade and introduces us to an army wife who knows all about struggle. >> reporter: on the last thursday of every month, the maryland food bank pulls up to the uso center at fort meade. of military he packs can be
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personnel along with their families are waiting for the free food. >> there's a lot of food here to help out your family. >> reporter: helping to guide them through the line and offer support is destiny miller, an army wife. >> i usually just kind of go down the line and welcome everybody and just make them feel comfortable for being here. >> you're welcome. everybody enjoy. >> just so they're not like oh, got to get in and get my food and get out of here. i want them to feel comfortable. i want them to know it's okay. it's okay to need help. >> reporter: destiny knows what it's like to be afraid to ask for help, to wear your emotions on your sleeve. >> laura, the manager here, she definitely can see in my face that not only did i need food but i needed a hug. she knew i needed a hug that said we're here, it's okay, it's okay to hur. >> we have zucchinis here. >> reporter: they arrived in
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maryland four months ago. they had just $20 to their name and no place to stay. a sergeant took them in. the uso gave the hug and the food. >> everybody needs to know that times are tough. sometimes are really tough. >> reporter: and the home front help means all the world to destiny. she and her husband are getting back on their feet but they like so many other military families are still in need of help this holiday season. turkeys for troops could not be coming at a better time. >> it means a lot. it means that my husband and i get to have that comfort of such a wonderful family oriented holiday knowing that we're going to have something to eat and there are people who take that time to donate what they can to help us out. >> everybody has their bags to collect their goodies? >> if you want to help create the special holiday moment for a local military family by providing a thanksgiving and christmas food basket, here's what you can do. log on to our website
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on will provide o icon. dona enough food for a family of six. if you cannot afford $50, please consider donating anything you can, any amount will do, no amount is too small. everything is greatly appreciated. you brought up a really good point that some families won't come forward. they're just too embarrassed by it. >> it's tough to ask for help sometimes when you really need it. it started -- at the first of my career, i couldn't ask money >> we need your help. donate what you can. we appreciate it. we have the cold air coming in. >> very cold air. we have the arctic breezes coming through. it's going to be down right cold tonight. let's start it off with a look at the michael & son weather cam and we're going to start off with a look at reagan national airport where we did have a few flakes flying but no accumulating snow out there. 35 degrees. just a few clouds right now.
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a pocket of flurries have passed on through. winds are currently out of the northwest at 17 and gusting to 26 miles per hour and that does mean that we have a windchill factor out there. in our weather headlines that arctic air is going to continue to descend on down. we're going to see bitterly cold temperatures overnight tonight and into tomorrow where it will still be windy, even in the afternoon. on sunday night, probably the coldest night make sure the kids are bundled up at the bus stop on monday morning. only slightly milder on monday afternoon. the current temperature is 34 in manassas of the we're already below freezing from leesburg on north and westward. 30 in martinsburg and winchester. it's 29 right now in york and look at these winds gusting to 29 miles an hour in leaseburg. 28 in martinsburg and winchester. 26 miles an hour is your current wind gust in d.c. and you can see that pretty much everything is moving from northwest to southeast bringing in that cold air mass from the north.
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the snow showers have started to taper off. we're not going to see much of anything overnight tonight and certainly no accumulating snow in the forecast. waking up tomorrow morning, this is what it's going to look like a. few more of those pockets and snow showers possibly through the panhandles of maryland and west virginia but by the afternoon we have the sunshine back. it's going to be deceiving though. we're not going to see the temperatures warming up until we get to at least monday. then there's a storm system approaching from the south. some snow to our north, not in the d.c. metro. overnight tonight, windy and cold, mostly clear. 22 to 29 with winds out of the northwest at 15 to 25 miles per hour. temperatures are only going to be in the 20s tomorrow morning under partly sunny skies. a flurry is possible but for the most part it's just going to be windy conditions we're going to be dealing with, even in the afternoon. 30 to 36 for your high temperatures with winds out of the northwest at 10 to 20 miles per hour. we're going to have wind chills in the 20s all day long. and our three-day outlook doesn't get much better on
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monday. it's still going to be cold with a high of only 41 and then tuesday look for some rain arriving late. at least it will be mild enough where it will just be rain. we don't have to worry about any of this falling as snow or ice in the d.c. metro area. look at these temperatures, guys. 30s and 40s for high temperatures. >> it's warm. >> that means you have to work out indoors. >> play basketball indoors. >> what about the wizards? >> he's been working on the jump shot. the proof is in the puddle. for the second straight night, fill her up. what alex ovechkin is doing, gang,
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for those of you who wondering what ails the wizards, let me make it plain. they can shoot. they just shoot too much. they shoot too many jumpers and their interior defense is mia. you can't win like that here's the good news. have you seen the eastern conference lately? it's a urge before average teams, too. the wizards should make the playoffs. wizards lost in toronto last night but tonight john wall helping out the peoples. here's one of his seven. webster had 19. wizards up by one. bradley beale, how about a beale parmesan, off the screen. he drops t. he had 18 points. he was slumping last night and pumping tonight. 4th quarter, john wall right in carmelo anthony's grill.
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he had 31. remember, he had 37 last night. wizardses win 98-89. caps. alex ovechkin is having an incredible year. 20 goals in 24 games. that's unheard of. gretzky scores to a shootout we go. a nice little stop and go move right there. caps still get a point but they lose in the shootout. one week ago it was one of the most dramatic wins in the randy edsall era. on the road at virginia tech. today was a chance to put a little cherry on top of the season. sef:wins despite -- seven wins despite all of the injuries. wouldn't that have been nice. let's get to t. certainly day at college park. 4th quarter here, bc up 26-24. stay with me. going for the extra point. it gets blocked. everyone kind of stands still. then maryland says we can take this thing back. so it's a two-point block and you take it back the other way.
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so instead of 27-24, it's 26- 26. final seconds, bc's nate freeze from 52 yards. no. but randy edsall called the time-out to try to freeze him. he tried to freeze freeze. so here we go again. you know what's going to happen right down the middle. bc wins it 29-26. wow. >> hindsight's 2020. obviously i shouldn't have taken a time out. he missed it. just one of those things that you feel that you're doing something to put a little more doubt in the guy's head and, you know, made the decision and just didn't work out. >> tough loss. there's been a lot of nonpositive news circulating around redskins park this week. did rg3 throw his coaches under the bus. did santana moss slap the young rookie on his wrist? enough already. how about some good news.
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the team doing community work with the holiday season around the corner. today kristen berset was there. she has our story. >> reporter: hundreds of volunteers spent saturday morning at fed ex field preparing care packages for families in need. >> thank you. >> reporter: it's the 11th annual harvest feast sponsored by the washington redskins. >> we really wanted to give back to the local community surrounding the state and prince george's county. we understood there was a need and we could fulfill that need. >> reporter: 2500 families lined up bright and early to make sure they had food for the holidays. >> i'm here to get the groceries for my mother for thanksgiving this year. >> reporter: bags of food were also loaded up and delivered to another 1,000 families. >> we can't afford this without the hem of the redskins. >> everybody is smiling. everybody is happy. happy thanksgiving, ma'am. >> thank you. >> it's good to feel like you're a part of doing -- helping other people and doing something positive for the community. >> reporter: alfred morris and
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josh wilson even made their way to landover in hopes of putting smiles on people's faces. >> when i was coming over, i was in a lot of these lines like some of these guys are. me and my family were underprivileged, in poverty. we used a lot of eggs. to be on the other side of the table to give back means a lot to me. >> this is a time that every person should try to make somebody else's life better. >> reporter: this was a day filled with hope and thanksgiving. >> i have enjoyed my stay with all the people in line and all these people and everybody. they're so nice and kind. it was a beautiful day. >> thanks a lot. great story. don't expect to see jordan reid. he's still working his way back from a concussion and multiple sources say lenot play. he's been one of robert griffin's favorite targets. we might see fred davis who hasn't been active in five weeks. monday night should be interesting for the redskins. >> i love alfred morris. >> gray kid. not kid.
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great young man. >> see you back here tomorrow. [ male announcer ] give yourself the ultimate holiday gift!
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